To SHRED or Not to SHRED in DC?

When it comes to determining which documents and hard drives to shred, narrowing down your choices can be difficult. Keep an eye out for anything that might contain personally identifiable information, and if you’re still unsure, it’s better to file it away and make a decision after further reevaluation than toss it.
Once you allow information to leave your site – in the trash or in the hands of a recycling company – you’ve lost control. You have put yourself and your company at risk. Any kind of record – customer lists, interoffice memos, payroll information, and much more – could be used to compromise your organization’s security.
Why take a chance? Shred it completely with a DC shredding service.
- Personnel are trained and fully insured.
- Trucks are configured where you can personally witness the destruction of your confidential materials.
- You’ll receive a Certificate of Destruction upon completion of each visit.
Here is a list of common documents that need to be shred on a regular basis:
Sales/Marketing Materials:
- Customer Lists
- Prospect Lists
- Drafts of Sales & Marketing Strategies
- Sales Reports
Documents Relating to Employees, Clients, Students, Etc.:
- Medical records
- Medical benefit plans
- Any document containing employee personal information
- ID Cards & Badges
- Document printed on Company Letterhead
- Training Manuals
- Insurance Information
- Student Records & Applications
- Medical Records
- Payroll Documents
- COBRA records
- Client Services Records
- OSHA logs
- Employment applications—both hired and not hired
Accounting Documents:
- Credit Card Statements and Receipt
- A/R and A/P printouts
- Bank Statements
- Budgets
- Any Tax Documents
- Invoices
- Customer Lists
- Payroll Journal
- Unused Checks
Insurance Documents:
- Accident reports
- Safety reports
- Claims—made and settled
- Insurance policies
Legal Documents and Documentation:
- Expired Contracts or Legal Documents
- Legal Correspondence
Operations Information:
- Purchase Orders
- Supplier Lists
- Shipping & Receiving Reports
- Proprietary Data
- Corporate Records
- Procurement Requests
- Production Reports
Hard Drives and Electronic Media Devices:
- Biomedical devices—physiologic monitors, infusion pumps, ventilators, MRI, CT, and diagnostic ultrasound and laboratory analyzers
- CDs and DVDs
- PC hard drives
- USB removable media—pen drives, thumb drives, flash drives, and sticks
- Fax machines, scanners, copiers, and printers
- Embedded flash on boards and devices
- Floppy drives, zip disks, and magnetic tapes
- RAM and ROM-based storage devices
- Memory cards—SD, SDHC, MMC, compact flash, microdrive, and memory sticks
Get Free, No Hassle Quotes on Shredding Services throughout the Washington DC area today!
Businesses must take care to ensure any private information in their possession is properly destroyed before it is thrown away. Washington DC Paper Shredding provides several types of shredding service options including mobile shredding, off-site shredding, and hard drive shredding, so no matter what your shredding project looks like, our contractors can get the job done.
Fill out the form to the left or give us a call at (202) 552-1525 for free quotes in Washington DC today!
900 19th St NW
Washington, DC 20006
Phone: (202) 552-1525